Munich School of Ancient Philosophy

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The Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (MUSAΦ) is devoted to the study of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Drawing jointly from LMU’s Philosophy and Classics Departments, MUSAΦ aims to bring together philological and philosophical perspectives, reflecting a conviction that the best research in ancient philosophy will be informed by both fields.

Founded in 2010, MUSAΦ is directed by me, Oliver Primavesi (Classics) and Peter Adamson (Philosophy). A substantial number of additional faculty and researchers, as well as many visiting researchers, make this one of the world's largest and foremost research centers for ancient philosophy. 

At the core of MUSAΦ, however, are our doctoral students and our doctoral program. Our students work on a range of topics, employing diverse approaches to different periods in the development and reception of ancient philosophy.

More information about the doctoral program in particular, and about MUSAΦ in general, can be found throughout our website. Please do not hesitate to contact any of us if you would like more information about MUSAΦ.

Christof Rapp (Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Rhetoric)